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Most of the items are available in the main warehouse and ready for dispatch. Some items require more time and cost extra charges to be delivered. On each item’s page, shipping details are stated.

Usually, items are delivered within 2 working days. Items that are not in the main warehouse shipping time differs and the estimate is available in each item’s page.

This rarely happens however if it does happen, please contact info@taketech.shop or reach us on Whatsapp. Our team will assist you directly.

This rarely happens however if it does happen, please contact info@taketech.shop or reach us on Whatsapp. Our team will assist you directly.

You can cancel your order and order again with new requirements within same calendar day of your order.

We are an online business, but you can reach you all over Iraq.

You can pay cash on delivery, Visa Card, Mastercard, Zain Cash, and FastPay.

You can pay USD and IQD for cash on delivery option and you can pay IQD for other online payment options.


A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address.

Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

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